quarta-feira, 16 de março de 2011

Towards the right direction?

People always say that we should follow our hearts but to be honest I've never taken it very seriously because that not always worked for me.. I wasn't expecting what happened to me this week, without even realizing it, after an unexpected situation, I followed what my heart told me to do. The last post was for me like a shot in the dark and I honestly didn’t believe it could help the way it helped…yeah for the first time I guess I was at least a little succeeded. However creating expectations is not the best thing to do because I usually get hurt when these things don’t happen the way I thought they would do. .. It’s funny how Taylor’s songs was are able to illustrate my moments perfectly and the music that I cant stop listening today is “If This was a movie”.. check this video out:

It is somewhat curious how Taylor's songs can  fit perfectly in my moments and even report facts accurately...
Life is kind of funny because on the moday post stated that probably I wouldn't post anymore this week for the lack of important things to say.. :\
So what am I going to do next I really dont know.. i'm fucking confused and insecure about what's going to happen now and at the same time afraid to keep waiting and making the same mistake  I've done before.. We spend most of our lives waiting for things to happen, and in the meantime, life happens so fast that while you're waiting, you miss out on the important things.  
I have no words to say what i want to say so listen to this part of the song:

"If you're out there, if you're somewhere, if you're moving on, I've been waiting for you ever since you've been gone, I just want it back the way it was before, And I just wanna see you back in my front door, And I say...
Come back, come back, come back to me like You would before you said "It's not that easy", Before the fight, before I let you out, But I take it all back now."
That's it.

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