quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2011

My future..

I like to lay my head down on the pillow and start to think about my future… Start to think about everything I wish to reach in my life. My daddy always says to me a simple phrase but with an important message;    
“Who doesn’t know where wants to go never get anywhere”. 
Then I think that my dreams are the first step of my  success and “Dreams” is the word which best describes who I’m and who I want to be!
However I have to be realistic and be aware that even the biggest dreamer has all the probabilities to fail… There is another phrase that means a lot to me: “A goal without a plan is just a wish - Antoine de Saint-Exupery”. So if you really want to achieve something important in your life you need to know what it is, so when you know what you want and want so much to reach your goal, then you need a plan. After you already have the plan and it is possible, you just have to follow your path…
Sometimes when we give up in the middle of the path you just need to be sure about what it’s better for you because nothing is worth if you get what you need but not what you want.  Sacrifices are sometimes necessary to reach the goods, spending many years abroad away from my family and from friends is a such huge sacrifice to me but I know that all these experiences will make me a better professional and a better person. Making my own money for the first time to afford what I want, working on a luxurious cruise around many countries in Europe and knowing how to live with different opinions and cultures will turn my adaption in America so much easier though I already carry the experience that I've owned in Canada. However going to college in U.S is still something which really freaks me out  when I think about the adaption with the advanced level of English, roommates and the responsibility to keep my scholarship but inside of me I'm sure that I'm capable to get over it the problem is the restiveness... hahahahaha
I have to admit that I'm kind nervous about my life on board.. I've never worked in my life and  it is a single and crazy chance at the same time since I'll visit many countries every week and meeting a lot of interesting people although I'll have to work hard during the most part of the time and always concerned to provide the best possible service for passengers but never forgetting another positive aspect perhaps the most important ; the remuneration, salary, the payment!!! The main goal is to save money to afford my university studies in the United States however in many moments  of my trip I will be tempted to buy many interesting  stuff hehehehehe but I will have to hold tight and save the most of what I will earn
Anyway I'll live one thing at a time without fear of being happy because the good in life is to live and enjoy this giant world that is around us!  So that's it.. I 'll held my head high and be strong because everything's worth in the search for the success . :D


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